Dear Colleagues,
WLNC 2017, which was held between 15 -17 May, in L.A, attracted more than five hundred physicians including grantees from all over the world and around one hundred and fifty engineers and company representatives from 54 countries. It consisted of very intense, live transmission of full range cases, from ISTANBUL, ANKARA, JACKSONVILLE, BUENOS AIRES, LIMOGES, CHICAGO AND LOS ANGELES and panel discussion of stroke treatment with pre-recorded cases by world-wide experts. During the live cases, technical tips and tricks as well as philosophy, indications and alternative treatment techniques were discussed along with additional companion cases with the very experienced and attentive panelists /discussants from all over the world. We are thankful to all contributing centers, the worldwide well-known panelists/discussants, sponsoring companies and all the attendees for making this event a great success.
This year, total of 25 complex cases were treated during the live transmission. Many intracranial aneurysms (including fusiform, dissecting, giant and distal aneurysms in addition to saccular ones) were treated with variable techniques as indicated e.g.Different flow-diverters with different features as well as intrasaccular flow modifier devices in addition to coiling with auxillary techniques such as Y- stent assisted coiling. The operators took advantage of different liquid embolic agents in the occlusion of arteriovenous malformations, as necessary. Transvenous cerebral AVM embolization was of great interest with its technical challenges. Transarterial nidal AVM embolization with proximal and distal flow control providing complete occlusion was witnessed. Intracranial and extracranial revascularization treatments were performed with varible techniques including recent TCAR approach. Stroke panel of very experienced interventionalists covered all the controversies in regard to current acute stroke management.
We are very happy to announce that Kobe will be the host city for WLNC 2018.
We will look forward to having all specialists of our field who are interested in seeing and discussing thoroughly the complex cases with the full range of device availability in Kobe, on 25-27 April, 2018.
Till seeing you all in Kobe next year...